mercoledì 1 aprile 2015

"Orange", Sequence of 81 color slides, Rijke / de Rooij, 2004

The slide projection, Orange, consists of a series of 81 monochrome slides, projected in succession on a white wall. Because the color orange, when used in a photographic realm, tends to altar skin tones towards an unrealistic pink hue, film is frequently developed to avoid the color orange in its spectrum. Through the use of an orange filter, this piece captures a range of orange shades through layering papers, sheets and gels.
"Our initial aim was to approach the color of overalls worn by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay...At the same time, we are confronted with nationalist sympathies gaining importance in post-populist neo-conservative Holland on a daily basis. While Dutch immigration policies reached an unprecedented ideological extreme as the Balkenende administration came to an agreement in February 2004 to expel 26,000 illegal immigrants from the country, popularity polls indicated 84% approval among Dutch citizens of monarchy as the ideal form of state. Not since World War II has there been such interest in Queen Beatrix and her family, the House of Orange."